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James Denker, 83 years old of Scituate passed away Monday, September 28, 2020. Jim joined the Massachusetts South Shore Woodturners in 2007. He was an engineer by education and training, a fact which was reinforced by his development of his Ring Turning Tool which he applied for a patent for and used to scoop out bowls and other wood objects. He appears in the August 2010 newsletter doing a demonstration for turning a candlestick using this tool at the club meeting the month before. Jim was always outgoing and when he exhibited at shows like the Corn Festival at the Natural Science Center in Norwell, he always attracted attendees. He was active in club events and always found ways to lend support to the group. His eyesight deteriorated around 2014 and was unable to drive meaning he could not attend many meetings after that.
follow this link to view Jim’s obituary