MSSW Club undated photo
Written by Jeffrey Keller
Bernie Feinerman, 89 of Dartmouth, MA formerly of Fairhaven, Ma passed away Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at St. Luke’s Hospital peacefully in his sleep. Bernie who was born in Brooklyn, NY obtained a bachelor’s degree from New York Polytechnical Institute and later a master’s degree from Manhattan College. Both degrees were in engineering. He worked on multiple emerging technologies from early wireless phones to heart monitors used in the operating room.
Bernie first attended a meeting of the Massachusetts South Shore Woodturners in December of 1999. He is listed as a paid member in the May 2001 newsletter but may have joined before then. Bernie was quiet but not shy about asking questions, some of which were difficult to answer. He was a wood carver as well as a wood turner and produced some unusual and thought provoking turned objects.
Bernie also knew his way around the computer and produced three different club newsletters for many years. He was unselfish in his devotion to the club. In many of the old newsletters particularly ones in which something is being demonstrated to members, Bernie can be seen getting a front row seat or a closer look at the object being turned.
Working with Bernie on the club newsletter, I could always expect to hear from him usually via email when I was slow sending him my notes or photos. I would look up at my latest message “Are you planning on working on the newsletter today?” would be a typical one. Sometimes a caption to a Show & Tell photo would be enhanced with more information or a better description that I knew it didn’t come from me… Bernie was always on top of what was going on. He supplied AAW updates and other information to the newsletter from different clubs that he “happened to stumble upon” on his computer. Included were layout ideas and tips as well as information.
There are just some individuals that seem to pick up a group and carry the full weight of it on their back, first to show up, last to leave. They just can’t seem to do enough. I think that describes Bernie Feinerman to a T.
follow this link to view Bernie’s obituary