undated photo
Written by Jeffrey Keller
Pablo was 76 when he passed away at his Needham home on July 13th from complications from prostate cancer. He was a long standing member of the Massachusetts South Shore Woodturners having joined us in 2013. Pablo was always into woodworking and woodturning, even more so when he retired from practicing surgery. He was an active member in the club providing demonstrations like the one he presented in March of 2014 on turning a winged “manta ray” bowl. A natural teacher, he helped many members with their woodturning practices, mentoring them at Hands On sessions which he also helped organize. He attended various expos on woodturning like Totally Turning in Saratoga Springs, New York. During the Covid epidemic, he was always present on ZOOM with others interjecting commentary on the various aspects involved in turning wood.
follow this link to view Pablo’s obituary

Club Photo

Club Photo