Every month the club holds a Hands On event on a Saturday morning from 9:00-12:00 (check the calendar for the next date). All members are invited to attend and work on their own projects or watch other woodturners and ask questions.
This is an opportunity to work one on one with an experienced woodturner to create a specific item, learn a new technique, or hone your skills with a particular tool. If you would like to work with an instructor, we ask that you sign up ahead of time to ensure there is a lathe available for you and a turner matched to your specific project or needs. Note: priority of the Powermatic lathe will go to the instructors.
Anyone who is present at Hands-On is welcome to watch an instructor and student and ask questions. We only ask that members who are not participating in the one on one instruction refrain from helping with their own ideas. Of course there are many ways to approach turning, but it can be confusing during the learning process to hear several different methods at once.
Please contact Glenn Siegmann with any questions or to sign up. We ask that anyone wishing to turn at a Hands-On email Glenn to reserve a lathe. Also, kindly contact Glenn if you are interested in participating as an instructor.
Members wanting to take part and turn should:
1. Bring a face shield and mask
2. Bring your own tools as well as their own One-way or Ellsworth jig for use with the wolverine sharpening system.
3. Bring your own blank for the project, although there is usually wood available at the dustbowl behind the trailer it may not be suitable for some projects.
4. Have the tenon/mortise measurements for your 4-jaw chuck in case you need to finish turning your piece at home.