
Please support the vendors that support our club:
Craft Supplies USA – 10% discount on sandpaper and finishes. Must phone in the order and let them know you are a member of Mass South Shore Woodturners.
Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop
Lee Valley Tools
Packard Woodworks, Inc.
Penn State Industries
Reader’s Hardwood Supply
Rockler Woodworking
Woodcraft – must show your current MSSW membership card. Restrictions and exemptions apply visit this article on the Club Forum for details
Woodturner’s Wonders

The following sites have a wealth of information on many topics.  They are informative and well organized.

American Association of Woodturners – AAW
The Finishing Store by Bob Flexner
​Alan’s Guide to Wood Turning
Pro Marine Supplies
The Wood Database
Wood Toxicity Database

YouTube Videos – These YouTube Channels contain informative videos from professional turners providing instruction and ideas over he full range of woodturner skill levels..
Cindy Drozda – specializing in lidded boxes and finials
Kim Tippin – lots of resin projects
Ashley Harwood – bowls, large projects etc.
Tim Yoder – lots of interesting and one-off projects
Kent Weakley – lots of videos for the beginning turner (and tips for experienced turners as well)
Sam Angelo – The Wyoming Woodturner – videos on a wide range of topics and techniques
Derek Weidman – creating art sculpture on the lathe, multi-axis and interrupted cuts
Jimmy Clewes – production woodturner classic bowls and platters
Captain Eddie Castelin – tips for DYI tools, jigs and one-off turnings
Craft Supplies Woodturning 101 – series with general getting started tips and techniques
Glen Lucas – Turning a salad bowl from log to finish